Health Food Exercise

The Power of Hydration

An adult human is made up of about 60 percent water, and our blood is around 90 percent water. But this fact is a lot more than mere trivia; it’s a good reminder of how much water means to our health. Water plays an important role in nearly every bodily function, from regulating temperature to transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells.

How much water should one drink daily? The answer carries no generalization. It depends on how active one is, the weather of the place where one lives, and even individual health problems. The usual recommendation is around 8 glasses, 2 liters a day, but some people might need more, especially if they work out or live in hot places.

Why is water important for your body? It is very important in your kidneys, which purify waste and products of metabolism from the blood and excrete them into the urine. Poor hydration can result in a potential injury to your kidneys, infection of the urinary tract, or the formation of kidney stones. Good hydration helps your body process food properly, prevents constipation, and maintains an efficiently working heart and muscles.

Skin and water go together, and vice versa. If you are suffering from dehydration, your skin gets harmed because it will get drier; thus, leading to skin disorders, premature wrinkling, and even breakouts. Hydration will be able to help your skin remain elastic with its good glow.

Water vs. sugary drinks: a simple switch for weight loss. If you intend to manage or lose weight, replacing soda or sugary drinks with water can make a huge difference. Sugary beverages are brimmed with empty calories, while their regular consumption leads to weight gain. On the other hand, water speeds up metabolism, reduces calorie intake, and at times can even make a person feel full. It has been observed that drinking a glass of water before meals decreases appetite, hence decreasing the amount of calorie intake.

Tips to Keep Yourself Hydrated:

Carry a water bottle with you always.
Remind yourself through your phone to drink water.
Eat hydrating foods: cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges.
Drink a glass of water before meals to help digestion and curb overeating.

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