Prunes are considered the fruit for acceleration, deceleration, or regulation of the digestive system due to its bioactive compounds and dietary fiber, which exert several positively beneficial effects on the promotion of undisturbed digestion.
The most important ingredients in prunes include a high amount of fiber content: both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool, thus helping to prevent constipation and allow for normal bowel movements. On the other hand, the soluble part of the fiber absorbs water and helps to slow down digestion when necessary. That is why prunes are capable of treating both diarrhea and constipation. This kind of balance between the fibers involves a mix of dietary fiber, which must be included in any diet or therapy aiming at improvement in the digestive function.
Prunes also contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that stimulates softening of the stool-a mild laxative-that increases bowel movement further. All this makes prunes a gentle, natural fix for constipation sans harsh action caused by medications. Being high in antioxidants, they also tend to lower inflammation in the gut and promote healthy gut bacteria.
It is very easy to add prunes to your diet; it is a tasteful option in maintaining digestive balance for smooth function. Prunes can be eaten on their own as a snack, blended into smoothies, or added to baked goods.