Clove is a strong, fresh-tasting spice that has had value for millennia in medicinal applications, especially in oral health. Since it has been traditionally used to alleviate the pain in toothaches and to soothe the mouth when sore, clove becomes an integral part of traditional remedies right to the present day in providing a natural solution to mitigate oral pain.
Clove contains eugenol as its active principle that has natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Eugenol acts as an analgesic; thus, this property of clove makes it exceptionally efficient in soothing a toothache caused by cavity infections, gum diseases, or any other general dental irritation. Applied directly onto the affected part-either in the form of clove oil or as a whole clove-the eugenol numbs pain hence fast pain relief. This drug’s anti-inflammatory properties decrease swelling and irritation in the gums. Clove oil has been used for centuries to relieve toothache pain. A cotton ball dabbed with a smidgen of clove oil and placed against the tooth or gum can provide several hours of relief. A whole clove can help relieve persons who do not have clove oil from pain by merely placing the clove on the sore spot, allowing it to release its natural oils. The results are just about immediate, providing a simple and natural remedy when you need relief in a jiffy.
Besides pain relief, clove is known for antimicrobial action and can be considered a natural solution for oral hygiene.
Clove conventionally has been used to combat the bacteria in the mouth responsible for bad breath, medically termed as halitosis. The antimicrobial action thus kills bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors, hence turning clove into a potent and refreshing natural mouth freshener. This spice, whether chewed as a whole clove or as clove oil, gives a clean, refreshing feeling that promotes overall oral health. Besides oral advantages, clove has other applications in general health. Generally, the spice is useful in immune system improvement and combating infections owing to the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese, which further support the body’s mechanisms of defense. Be it a painful toothache, pained gums, or just a fresh start with your breath, clove is one multi-purpose spice that burrows its way deep into your health routine. It is still a folk remedy applied today due to efficiency and availability; hence, this tool is helpful in maintaining oral health.