The rich, polished purple skin of the aubergine-or one might say, the eggplant-yes, we have seen those emoji jokes!-is not only famous in texts but is actually loaded with powerful protective qualities. This vegetable contains all kinds of essential vitamins and minerals that do way more than add flavor to your meals but support your body in many ways.
Aubergine is a very good source of the energy-related B vitamins, such as thiamin, or vitamin B1, niacin, or vitamin B3, and vitamin B6-all of which are very important in energy production, brain function, and nervous system health. These nutrients are like the behind-the-scenes team, ensuring everything in your body runs accordingly while you attend to your busy day.
But that is not all: Aubergine is also rich in key minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. These minerals contribute to the maintenance of good bone health, immune support, ensuring heart health, and regulating blood pressure. It is little surprise that this vegetable was described as a nutrient powerhouse.
Well, if you ever thought that the purple skin of an aubergine does more than just add color to your plate, then you are not wrong. Rich in antioxidants, especially nasunin, it protects cells from damage and has been known to support brain health too. This poor vegetable is quietly working its charm to keep inflammation at bay and fight off toxic free radicals.
Whether roasted, grilled, or added to a hearty stew, aubergine-which many of you will know better as eggplant-slots so comfortably into a number of dishes. And if any of you have only ever seen it in emoji form, then yes, it tastes even better than it looks!
So the next time you need something good for your taste buds and your body, reach for an aubergine. It is not only the punchline of your texts, but a real strong, nutritionally packed plant, which can work magic for the sake of your health.